第6回クリスタル科学セミナーでPatrick M. Woodward教授(オハイオ州立大学)が講演

2017年08月04日 研究

平成29731()、オハイオ州立大学化学生物学科教授Patrick M. Woodward氏が来所し、山梨大学クリスタル科学研究センター4階セミナー室において1040分~1130分に渡って第6回クリスタル科学セミナーとして”Solid State Chemistry Investigations of Halide Perovskites and Double Perovskites”と題した講演をしてくださいました。活発な議論がなされました。講演の概要は以下の通りです。

The AMX3 (A = Cs, Rb, CH3NH3; M = Pb, Sn, Ge; X = I, Br, Cl) halide perovskites are a versatile and promising class of materials. Their electrical and optical properties are comparable to conventional compound semiconductors, which makes them suitable for many applications, including solution processed solar cells. Unlike conventional semiconductors the electronic structure, and optoelectronic properties, of halide perovskites can be tuned through distortions of the crystal structure.  In the first part of my talk I will discuss our studies of Cs1xRbxPbBr3 and Cs1xRbxPbCl3 solid solutions.  In the second part of my talk I will discuss our efforts to synthesize and characterize new halide double perovskites, Cs2BBX6 (B = Ag, Na; B = Bi, Sb, In; X = Cl, Br), with tunable band gaps, a strategy we are pursuing toward the ultimate goals of removing lead and improving moisture tolerance of these materials.